Firework Pet Safety

Mason Cash Firework Pet Safety
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Firework Pet Safety

Keeping your pet safe and calm during bonfire night

Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night, is a traditional British celebration that involves fireworks, bonfires, and festivities. While it's a thrilling time for humans, it can be a source of anxiety and stress for our beloved pets. The loud noises and bright lights can make them feel frightened and uneasy. However, with some careful planning and consideration, you can ensure that your furry friends stay safe and calm during this annual event. Here are Mason Cash’s tips to help you and your pets enjoy Bonfire Night together.


Create a Safe Haven:

Set up a safe and quiet space within your home where your pet can retreat to when the fireworks start. This could be a cozy room with their bed, toys, and some background noise, like a radio or TV, to help mask the sound of the fireworks. Make sure this space is secure, so they can't escape if they become scared.


Keep Them Indoors:

On Bonfire Night, it's best to keep your pets indoors. Even if your pet is usually comfortable outside, the loud bangs and bright lights can cause them to panic and run away. Ensure they have access to their safe haven and keep doors and windows closed to minimise noise and the risk of escape.


Microchip and ID:

Ensure your pet has a proper identification tag with your contact information just in case they do manage to get out. Microchipping your pet is also a great idea, as it provides a permanent way to identify them if they become lost.


Stick to the Routine:

Maintain your pet's regular routine as much as possible. Feeding, walking, and playtime should happen at their usual times to provide a sense of normalcy during the festivities.


Provide Comfort:

Offer comfort to your pet if they seem anxious. Sitting with them, speaking soothingly, and offering their favourite treats can help reassure them. You can also try using calming pheromone diffusers or vests designed to reduce anxiety in pets.


Prepare in Advance:

Before Bonfire Night, take your dog for a long walk to tire them out. A tired dog is more likely to rest during the noisy fireworks. For cats, engage them in play and provide extra attention to help them feel secure.



Consider soundproofing your home by closing curtains and blinds to dampen the noise and reduce the brightness of the fireworks. You can also use white noise machines or fans to provide a constant background sound.


Consult Your Vet:

If your pet's anxiety is severe, consult your veterinarian for advice. They may recommend medications or other treatments to help keep your pet calm during Bonfire Night.


Stay Calm Yourself:

Pets can pick up on their owner's anxiety. Try to stay calm and composed during the festivities to help your pet feel more at ease.


Bonfire Night can be a challenging time for pets, but with careful planning and consideration, you can help them stay safe and calm. Creating a safe haven, keeping them indoors, maintaining their routine, and offering comfort are essential steps to ensure that your furry friends can peacefully weather the noise and excitement of this traditional celebration. Remember, a little extra care goes a long way in keeping your pets happy and stress-free during Bonfire Night.